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Dies Activity: Who is the Mole?

Dies Activity: Who is the Mole?
DateThursday, April 25, 2019

‘Who is the Mole?’, one of the most popular TV-shows of the Netherlands for over 19 years, comes to Leiden! In this game of teamwork, intelligence and creativity, there will be one secret mole who will try to sabotage the whole thing! Can you find out who the saboteur is in time? The Social Activities committee will organise this thrilling game of ‘Who is the Mole?’ to celebrate the birthday of Labyrint for its members, in which there are prizes to win. Will you be chosen as the Mole and do you have to sabotage the effort of the team, or will you become a dedicated candidate and will you strive for gold? 

The activity is almost sold out. The last tickets can only be bought in our Common Room (SA55), so make sure to get one as soon as possible if you would like to join. Please note: the activity is only accessible for members of Labyrint.

Disclaimer: during this activity photos will be taken. These photos can be used for promotion, for example by posting them on our public website. If you do not want this, you should make this clear to a member of the board as soon as possible.
