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Study association

A study association is an association created especially for students from one specific discipline. Almost every discipline that is taught at Leiden University has a study association. Contrary to fraternities, where members are from different disciplines, there are no obligations to participate as member of a study association.

Furthermore, study associations usually don't have year clubs, something that most fraternities do have. Whereas fraternities mainly focus on social activities, study associations offer a wide variety of extracurricular activities that are still study related. Of course most study associations also organize parties and social activities like trips and movie nights.


Labyrint is the only study association for psychology students in Leiden. Labyrint, which currently has nearly 2000 members, was founded after a merger on June 30th 1994. Apart from organizing various study related activities, Labyrint was also created to increase the social interaction between psychology students. Additionally, Labyrint sells most of the study material for psychology for all years of the Bachelor program and the mandatory courses of the Master program.


Labyrint organizes many of activities for its members. To give you an idea of these activities, please see below:

- An All-Years Weekend: a weekend-long city trip for members of all years of  the study. 
- Post exam drinks after each exam period, with free drinks and snacks and a funky theme. 
- Several parties a year, which are held roughly once every two months. These parties are open to all students and are very well attended;
- Multiple excursions, lectures and workshops;
- A Freshman’s weekend: a weekend for freshman students to get to know each other and the association;
- An annual Psychologist and Future Perspectives Congress, that deals with the different master specializations and fields you can get involved in after obtaining a degree in Psychology;
- An annual weeklong study trip to a foreign city. 

To learn more about the committees that organize all these activities, please check the 'committees' pages on this website.


Studievereniging der Psychologie Labyrint is linked to the institute of Psychology at the faculty of social sciences at the University of Leiden, however, it is an independent association. Leiden University is therefore not responsible for anything that concerns the association. 
